What To Do On The Day - Some Suggestions
These are some of the things we do, as well as a full-blown ritual in the evening. Let us know what you decided to do.
1) Read out The COL Prayer, and look for/write your own prayers and poems that express love.
2) Music - Imagine/All You Need Is Love, and any other song which expresses love for you and evokes big feelings.
3) Food is a special part of the day, and you have to choose real favourites. We have some good starter ideas over in the recipe section, and please do email us with your favourite recipes if you'd like them to go up on the site :-)
4) Decorate your house for love...love hearts, balloons, the word LOVE.
5) Go out and look at the land and enjoy what you see. Enjoy the freedom of expansive skies. Be near water if you can. Look closely at plants and flowers. Give yourself the time you rarely have on any other day.

6) Make, or buy, a pretty box and fill it with things that evoke happiness and love within you.
7) Banish all negative thoughts and instead really indulge in love for the day. Think about what it means for you. Think about how it feels. If right now love hurts, think about that in a gentle way, and treat yourself very caringly indeed. Remember, there's not a person walking the face of the planet who cannot, at least, be loved by themselves if they allow it.
8) Have pink roses in the house if you can and spend time enjoying them.
9) Burn pink candles during the day and evening.
10) Introduce the scent of rose into your home - scented candles, oil burners, joss sticks, or perfume.
11) Do at least one really pampering thing for yourself. Plan this now, and get everything ready for the day. For instance, if you want to spend an hour lazing in the bath, buy candles and a bath bomb - then decide what type of flower petals you want to float on the water.
12) Have rose quartz in the house and spend some time looking at it and handling it at some points.